Digital Audits—Taking a Look Under the Hood

Websites are not static–you know this. They are agile tools that either work for you or against you. You may have a hunch that your website isn’t doing its job.

Digital audits allow us to dive into the site and evaluate it for website health and best practices, digital marketing readiness, and external presence. Our recommendations are designed to help your team with short-term fixes and optimizations and long-term planning.

Digital Audit Package

Clients often know that something isn’t working with their website but it’s difficult for clients to pinpoint exactly what issues are causing performance problems.

At Rowland, we believe data tells the story. For that reason, we’ve compiled a series of audits to help our clients understand what data is important and how it can be used diagnostically to improve the site, its search rankings, and the experience of its users.

We do this work by conducting an in-depth intake phase followed by four critical audits:

  • Discovery: Our Discovery process is a foundational fact-finding exercise. We’ll take a deep dive into your world—accessing your objectives, understanding your challenges, and defining your goals. We’ll spend time listening and talking to stakeholders. Together we will tease out the desired results for your efforts and the strategies needed to reach your goals.
  • Organic Behavior & SEO: How are users arriving at your site? What keywords drive their searches, and what technology, channels, and referral streams are most important.
  • Paid Media & SEM: Have you already taken a leap into paid media? Maybe it’s not performing as you intended. We’ll analyze your campaigns and the resulting data and make recommendations. New to paid media? We can help you uncover opportunities that your competitors might be missing.
  • On-Site Behavior: We’ll dig into your analytics and come to understand what users are doing on your site. Are they taking the actions that you desire them to take?
  • ADA Compliance: Websites should be accessible for all users. We’ll conduct an audit to determine your website’s compliance with the standards set forth by W3C for accessibility.

Our findings from the discovery and audits will be delivered in a series of reports for you and your team to share with key stakeholders. Our documents are yours to use to refine your work, evolve your marketing strategy, or plan the next phase of work.

Who is this for?

This package is for units that need to understand their website and how it’s performing. It’s often the desired exercise for teams that intend to embark on a site redesign but need stakeholder buy-in or a more comprehensive plan to address site issues in the short term. Connect with us to get started or learn more about our Benchmarking and Personas or Brand Analysis packages.

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“We help our clients figure out the right budgets, timelines, and scopes that will move the needle. Sometimes the first step is incremental, and that's ok. We know our clients will take the leap when they are ready.”

Dan Rowland President